Your Astrological birth chart is the Divine Blueprint of your Souls Journey in this life time.
It is your personal mandala of destiny, describing the lessons and blessings, challenges and talents you chose to incarnate with.
Understanding your birth chart and the transits and activations that are affecting you currently can bring peace, clarity, resolution and direction to your life. Getting acquainted with your chart can help you to know yourself on a deep level, encouraging self-love and self-acceptance whilst making you aware of any areas of resistance where the flow of healing, love or abundance has become blocked or restricted.
An astrological reading can act as a kind of Soul Retrival experince, helping you to recognise and intergate many different aspects of yourself, leading you back towards wholeness and soverignity.
A comprehensive birth chart reading can help you realise your full potential and reconnect you to your purpose. Your birthchart is a map of your souls evolutionary intentions, helping you to see the steps to take to actualise your destiny and manifest your visions.
When someone books a reading with me, energetic connection between us begins. I limit myself to one reading per day to preserve the sacredness of this sharing of information, and because the intense nature of this work requires me too! I consider it a great honour and privilege to hold space for people to get reacquainted with their own authentic self and to recognise their own divinity.
A Full Birth Chart Reading includes an in-depth explanation of your natal chart and an interpretation of how the astrology and energies of the next 12 months will affect you personally.
Full Birth Chart readings last 60 to 90 minutes and cost £110
Readings are conducted via Zoom. They are recorded and sent to you as a downloadable file to keep for as long as you choose.
'Tune Up' Readings can be likened to an astrological ‘top up’ that realigns to your soul self and brings in specific guidance to help you through any challenges that arise or transitions that you are going through.
These readings are ideal for people who have already have some understanding of their birth chart, and would like some extra insight into how the current astrology is interacting with them and how to work with the energies that are being activated in their birth charts.
Mini readings also provide an overview of what is coming up for you over the next 12 months, and are perfect for those of you who would like clarity on a specific issue or relationship.
Mini Readings last 45 minutes and cost £75
Readings are conducted via Zoom and are recorded for you, then sent as a downloadable file for you to keep for as long as you choose.
Together we will lool back through the mists of time, to discover who you were, who you are and who you could be.....
This reading is for those who identify with the Archetype of the Priestess, She who carries the codes of the awakening feminine within her heart.
Through the celestial blueprint of the birthchart we will enter the hall of records to identify the gifts of previous incarnations where you held the sacred role Priestess, and the wounds and blockages that are holding you back from fully expressing your souls purpose in the now.
Through the lense of the 12 Goddess Archetypes of the Zodiac, we will uncover the core essence that you came to teach, speak and transmit in this life time. We will call back the lost fragments of your soul so that you can express yourself and share you skills from a place of authenticity and wholeness.
We will discover how you can work with your Priestess Presence in pratical ways create greater levels of love, abundance and joy in this life as you awaken to the truth of who you are, and walk your pathway of service and devotion.
Priestess Presence Readings last around 90mins and cost £120
Readings are conducted via Zoom and are recorded for you, then sent as a downloadable file for you to keep for as long as you choose.