There is no denying that humanity is currently at a critical turning point. Anyone with any level of awareness can sense that we are on the cusp of a collective break through or breakdown. This is the long prophesied Apocalypse. The Great Unveiling.
The old systems are collapsing, the structures that held up society are disintegrating, and we are left floating and disoriented in the liminal space. The old world is dead, the new one has has yet to take shape.
In astrology, we call this the Turning of the Aeons or the Procession of the Equinoxes, a phenomenon which happens approximately once every 2160 years. As many are aware, we are in the midst of the shift from the Age of Pisces into Aquarius.
During these transitional periods, it seems that chaos reigns as humanity becomes increasingly polarised, unstable and aggressive. People cling to what they have always believed in order to maintain a sense of security and control.
Wars are started and people become more and more desperate and dependent on the state, who seek to capitalise on our fear for their own benefit. Corruption within the hierarchies and governments becomes more and more blatant, and they begin to imprison anyone who doesn't agree with them.
Gaia, our Earth Mother goes through Her own ascension process and natural disasters often increase as She purifies and transforms.
These cosmic thresholds are integral parts of the Great Cycle, where humanity reaches a choice or culmination point. A fresh reality is about to to take shape, the world will change and we must learn how to change with it if we wish to not only survive, but thrive.
Those of us who are awakened to our Soul Memories will remember many previous incarnations in which we have lived through these times.
We have witnessed the rise and fall of many civilizations, Temples and ideologies. We have seen and experienced the destruction and persecution, yet we have also observed much expansion as humanity rebirths itself over and over again in an eternal spiral of renewal.
We have learnt that we must learn how to flow with the current of time, without losing our integrity and connection to our Soul Selves.
At the last Great Turn of the Wheel, around 2,000 years ago we shifted from Aries to Pisces. During this Aeon, symbolised by the Fish, christianity took root. The true esoteric teachings of, the great Magician and Priestess of the Aeon were distorted and kept well hidden by the church.
The true essence of Pisces was missed as collectively we were indoctrinated to live in the Piscean Shadows of self sacrifice, of constantly seeking outside of ourselves for a connection to our soul, martyrdom, and giving all our power away to authorities and religious figures.
The Goddess became solely known as Mary, the pastel pink Mother of christ. She who is Virginal, Compassionate and Demure. All of Her other faces were vilified, deemed as shameful or demonic leading to a split in the collective feminine Psyche.
There was no place in our culture for the Dark Red Face of Goddess with Her wild sexuality, ferocity and pulsing creative fire. The underworld became a terrifying place, darkness and shadows became increasingly suppressed.
The energy of each New Aeon manifests in accordance with humanities level of consciousness and awareness of the process it is undergoing. In ancient times, Priestesses and Mystery Keepers would have witnessed and recorded the Stars and Omens as each Aeon became the next.
They would have prepared and guided their communities to attune them to the higher qualities of each Aeon and it's zodiacal frequency.
As we shift into the Aquarian Age, we find ourselves living through another collective transition point. We can either fall into the Aquarian shadows of technocracy and move further and further away from it means to be human or we can choose to evolve our counciousness beyond the matrix and embrace a higher timeline.
Aquarius tells us our work is know ourselves as sovereign yet also remember we are a strand in the great Web. The work we do to become balanced and integrated within ourselves ripples out and supports the awakening of all beings.
Aquarius says, we are, everyone one of us Stars in the Vast Cosmic Body of Nuit, individual but never separate. We Gather together with our soul Tribes in constellations, yet we are whole unto ourselves.
Aquarius is non-hierarchal. She teaches equality, oneness and collaboration. We must learn how to embody Her principles if we wish to prosper in this New Era.
Anything inauthentic or spiritually corrupt will not withstand the shifting of energies. We must find new ways of doing business, we must look for ways of using the new technological advances that serve and support the flowering of consciousness rather than suppressing it.
We must align with the algorithm of the heart first. We must learn how embrace and make magic out of chaos.
The Aquarius Constellation is the Grail or Chalice Bearer. She carries forth the cup of the waters of life which nourish and purify the soul. In the book of Revelation, the biblical prophecy of the end times, The Great Goddess Babalon (Venus/Inanna) holds the Chalice, symbolising the return of the Feminine as we move into this New Aeon.
During Celtic times, the Grail Maidens were the guardians of the flowing waters of the Land, Priestesses who tended to the well being of their communities and preserved the Mysteries for future generations.
The Chalice is the Womb that births New Life, like a supernova birthing a New Galaxy. As we enter this New Aeon, a fresh yet ancient face of the Goddess is re-emerging.
The Great Cosmic Mother is returning, asking us to remember our connection to our own Star Fire, the unique soul spark within each of us.......

Astrology is ruled by Aquarius, and as such is being reawakened and revolutionised as we enter the New Aeon!
Goddess Astrology is the most powerful and efficient way to come into empowered self awareness and get to know yourself and Goddess in all Her forms in a deeply embodied way.
Star Priestesses are the Priestesses of the Aquarian Aeon, here to revive the ancient wisdom of the Stars as we guide our communities through this time of change.
If you are feeling the call of the Star Temple, we begin again in March 2025 with part in person/part online and fully online options.
Sign up here ~