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~ June Astrology 2019 ~

Writer's picture: Maria JonesMaria Jones

As Sol shines down through the paradoxical prism of Gemini the celestial shape shifter, we find ourselves approaching the height of Summer. The body of Gaia is lush, green and abundant as She begins to ripen to fullness. The energy buzzes and crackles as the long hours of sunlight call us to create, connect and share. Like a Honey Bee dancing from flower to flower, Gemini encourages the cross pollination of ideas and inspirations……

True to the Gemini archetype, many conflicting and confusing themes run through month of June as the Planets move through the sign of the Trickster, into the sign of Cancer, the Great Mother. We find ourselves walking through a kaleidoscopic hall of mirrors that reflects many different truths and realities back to us as we work to heal the past, so that we may fully embrace the future.

We begin the month with a New Moon, falling in the sign of Gemini on the 3rd of June. This Lunation blows a breath of fresh air through our lives, asking us to expand beyond limited thinking and old mental programing so that we can open our mind to new and exciting perspectives and connections. What old stories are we telling ourselves that are keeping us stuck and stagnant? Where are old belief systems keeping us rigid and inflexible, blocking our flow of love and prosperity?

The energy of this New Moon is supported by an beneficent, earthy trine between Venus the Lover Goddess in Her domicile of Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, making this a time of many new insights, opportunities and networks being formed that can create abundance and blessings if we ground them with practical actions. This month it is particularly important that we do not fall into the shadow of Gemini, becoming distracted by multiple projects that never become a reality.

On the following day, June the 4th, Mercury leaves Her home sign of the twins and heads into the Cancerian waters where she will be undertaking part of Her retrograde journey over the coming months. During this time we will be learning to communicate and speak our truth in open, honest and vulnerable ways, without either projecting on others, or allowing ourselves to projected upon.

Venus joins Sol in Gemini on the 8th of June. Venus in Gemini is the word witch, casting spells with Her voice and pen, chanting incantations of self-love. She reminds us of the power of words to create our reality. She teaches us that every phrase we utter is either an affirmation of our own magnificence, or a proclamation of fear and scarcity. Which are you choosing? With Her quicksilver tongue, sparkling with wit and charm, light hearted Venus in Gemini calls us to remember the joy of coming together in community, sharing ideas, playing, debating and not taking everything so seriously!

On the 9th and 10th of June Sol creates a challenging T-square with ethereal Neptune in Pisces, and expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is a period when illusions and spiritual bypasses abound. Nothing maybe as it appears on the surface. We may become aware of how we are creating overwhelm in our lives by over extending ourselves, taking on too many commitments and obligations, or perhaps promising more than we can give in order to make others happy.

Mars conjuncts the North Node in Cancer on the on the 12th of June, before opposing Saturn on the 14th, and Pluto on the 20th, giving us a foreshadowing of what awaits us in July’s powerful Eclipse Season. With Mercury the Messenger Goddess is also travelling side by side with Mars at this time as She prepares to enter her retrograde Shadow on the 23rd of June, there is the potential for lifetimes of buried anger and resentment to emerge from the depths of our hearts seeking an avenue of outlet.

This energy calls us to excavate the deep-rooted emotional patterns that flow through our ancestral lines. How is the pain and disappointment of the past still influencing our choices in the present? Do we feel we can speak and truly be heard by our loved ones? Are we truly listening to others?

During this month of volatile expression, it is important that we pause and go within before reacting to provocation. Are we really upset by what is happening in the now? Or are old hurts being triggered that are causing us to react from the place of the wounded inner child? How can we re-parent ourselves and learn to communicate our needs in healing and nourishing ways?

At this time, we may feel the need to rest and withdraw, giving ourselves the time and space we require to process our feelings, yet the heavy Saturnian vibration demands that we continue to honour our duties and obligations. Creating a balance between our work/ambitions and home/inner life is another major lesson of the Cancer/Capricorn polarity. When we nurture the foundations of our lives with tenderness and care, we are more easily able to reach for our purpose and live our fullest potential.

The Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates the skies on the 17th of June, bringing culmination to the lessons we have been learning around finding our truth and expressing it in the world. The provocative Gemini Goddess likes to challenge the fixed attitudes and self-righteous postulating of Sagittarius, calling us to re-examine what holds meaning and wisdom for us and let go of our entrenched judgements. In turn, Sagittarius endeavours to remind Gemini of the power of committing to a core truth or spiritual pathway.

With Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius coming into Her second exact square with Neptune as the Full Moon rises, this is a time of recognising that ultimately no one knows what is really ‘true.’ All of our human perspectives have their biases and limitations. Are we allowing the opinions of others to affect our inner peace? Can we allow ourselves to become open to other points of view, letting go of the need to be proven right?

Sol leaves airy Gemini and immerses Herself in the Cancerian seas on the 21st of June, initiating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. From this moment on, the hours of daylight will grow steadily shorter as we move towards the darker half of the year once more. Traditionally, Summer Solstice is the energetic peak of the year, a time for celebration and revelry as we enjoy the heat and warmth of the lazy summer days.

Those in the Southern Hemisphere will be experiencing the Winter Solstice, honouring the return of the light as the days grow steadily longer and brighter.

This year’s Cancer Season is set to be one of the most transformative we have experienced in many years, as the Solar Queen follows the path of Mars and Mercury, as She prepares to collide with Saturn, Pluto and the Nodes next month as we move through the eclipse portal.

Nebulous Neptune also stations retrograde as the Solstice Gateway opens. As She slows to a standstill whilst in the midst of a T- square to Jupiter in Sagittarius and Venus in Gemini. She will also be in trine to the North Node and sextile the South Node! This energy can make us extra aware of and additive and avoidant behaviours we engage in, highlighting areas of our lives where we are not being truth full with ourselves and indulging in escapism.

Many Blessings <3

Art by ~ Patricia Ariel

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In this group, we work with the cycles of the Earth and Cosmic Mother though sharing, discussion and online gatherings. Information about our online new and full Moon Circles is shared here first.

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