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~ November Astrology ~

Writer's picture: Maria JonesMaria Jones

November, the darkest month of the year draws us ever deeper inwards. We tend our hearth fires and light our candles for warmth and inspiration as the skies turn steely grey and the nights become dark and seemingly infinite. We draw comfort from our ancestors who gather close by, whispering that we can endure the chaos and uncertainty of this turning of the ages, as they once did……

On the 3rd of November Mercuria stations direct at 25 degrees of Libra, in square to Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn. Although Mercuria will move forward from this moment on, these challenging alignments delay the results of the work we have been doing during Her retrograde journey. This can feel like a testing and conflictual time, as many opposing opinions are triggered.

Things may not become clear until She re-enters Scorpio on the 10th of November, and makes Her final opposition to Uranus on 19th, revealing the truth of what was set into motion in mid-October. What have you been working on releasing from your deep subconscious? What old wounds and patterns have come upto be healed? How has your relationship to your intimate and financial resources changed?

On the 12th of November Jupiter and Pluto come together for the 3rd and final time this year bringing completion to what began in March. Once again, the light of Jupiter illuminates the Plutonic shadows of corruption, greed and abuse of power that lurks beneath the surface of our political, banking and spiritual/religious systems. Are we finally ready to see what has been hidden for so long? Are we willing to face the dark oppressor within, so we can heal the one without? Are we ready to let go of our abusive relationship with an outer guru or saviour and take back our power?

Just hours after this epochal event, Mars the Warrioress also resumes direct motion on the 13th of November. Like an arrow being loosened from a bow, the pent-up energy, anger and frustration that has been building since mid-August when She entered Her retrograde Shadow is unleashed. We must choose to direct this energy consciously and with great awareness. Forward movement and fresh motivation will become more and more easy to access as She recovers Her lost ground, picking up speed until She leaves her retrograde Shadow in January. The Apathetic, ‘why bother’ attitude dissipates and new conviction to assert ourselves and be free to create a life that is authentic to us begins to reawaken.

On the 15th of November a bewitching Scorpio New Moon rises in the star-studded night sky. With Mars Her Ancient Ruler, and Pluto Her modern Ruler both in very powerful positions this is a potent Moon for ritual and ceremonial work for release and transition. The Scorpio Moon awakens the sorceress within us all, calling us to awaken to magic in our bones, to learn to trust and embrace the oracle within and deepen our connection to the mysteries. More than any other sign, She reminds us of the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth. Hidden Shadows arise from the subconscious, stirring feelings and memories that are seeking healing and integration. This new Moon sits in opposition to the star Algol, the 3rd eye of Medusa, inviting us to allow the poison to become the medicine.

As Luna rebirths Herself in the black womb of the Dark Goddess, Lady Venus in Libra creates a square to Pluto in Capricorn bringing focus to our relationships and desires. Where are we maintaining a peaceful superficial connection in order to avoid the vulnerability that comes with letting another see us fully? Where are we denying our yearnings for true, soul bearing intimacy to keep the equilibrium? This Lunation also opens the eclipse gateway that will takes us into mid-December.

Venus squares Saturn on the 19th of November, bringing a dose of cold reality regarding our finances and partnerships before entering the Scorpionic Void on the 21st.

In this liminal space of the zodiac, the Lover Goddess wraps the violet cloak of the enchantress around Herself. Here in the sign of Her ‘fall,’ Venus represents everything that they tried to suppress in the feminine. She is the Serpentessa, She is both the Seductress, the one who is unafraid to bite into the juicy apple of temptation and the old witch who does not look to the masculine for comfort or protection, but who chooses to live alone on the edges of society. She both feared and longed for simultaneously.

She offers us the opportunity to reconnect with the aspects of ourselves that we feel are too much, too sensual or unspiritual. She gives us the courage to step away from any relationships that are not offering us the depth and commitment we deserve. With Venus and Mars now both travelling through Mars rules signs, passions will be rising!

As Venus enters Scorpio, Sol crosses the threshold of the Phoenix, transitioning from the Scorpionic cave of initiation to the bright light of Sagittarius, bringing some much-needed perspective. Even in the darkest times, faith filled Sagittarius knows that there is a cosmic plan that is playing out just beyond the edges of our human understanding. She has conviction that all will be well offering glimmers of wisdom and reconnection to truth. Sol’s journey through the sign of the Archeress will amplify the political issues that are currently creating division all around the world as we move through the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipse season.

Nebulous Neptune stations direct on the 28th of November in square to the Nodal axis. We may desire to move forward yet feel unclear about our direction. Misinformation, propaganda and illusion abound making it difficult to see reality. As Neptune leaves Her stationary degree the fog will start to lift.

The First Eclipse of the Season falls at 8 degrees Gemini on the 30th of November, inviting us to be open to new information and perspectives. Gemini the trickster reminds us that all is never as it seems. Our fixed attitudes and beliefs only serve to imprison us in our own self-righteousness. New information will be revealed if we are willing to open our minds. The ruler of this Eclipse is Mercuria in the final degrees of Scorpio, once gain asking us to look beneath the surface and face what has been hidden.

As we head through Decembers eclipse portal towards the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction at Solstice we come to the realisation that although things will never return to ‘normal’ something new is being birthed. As we surrender into the void of the unknown, new pathways appear. It is time to leave behind attachment to the old ways of working and manifesting and embrace where we are in the now.

Stellar Blessings!

Art By Autumn Skye Morrison

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